Chapter 1

Spirit World = Pre-Mortal Existence = Post-Mortal Existence

Celestial = Paradise = Levels of Heaven = Sun

Terrestrial = Earth Without Lucifer’s Influence = Moon = Millennium State of Earth

Telestial = Earth with Lucifer’s Influence = Stars = Prison = Levels of Hell = Garden of Eden State of Earth before and after the Fall of Adam

My Sister, Heidi, was immediately welcomed into the Terrestrial Spirit World by all Family, Friends, Neighbors, and Other Spirits to include Animals, Birds, Insects, Plants, etc. that have passed on before Her.  This was the greatest welcome She has ever received until this moment.  She is not sad.  Quite the opposite.  Her eyes are open to see the Terrestrial Spirit World in addition to this World.  She is free to move as She wishes; to any place, any time in history, the present, or the future.  We may communicate with Her but She may not communicate with us unless we ask of God for guidance as to how and are given the keys to do so.  She has brought with Her all knowledge from Her life until now from this Telestial Earth.

When My Sister’s Temple Ordnances are completed, She may be invited to enter the Celestial Spirit World, as She is worthy.

I feel compelled to write here that the Spirit Worlds don’t have anything man-made.  Such as Internet, electricity, social media, fake news, etc.  There aren’t any walls there, either.  Spirits do have Their privacy as They seek it.

Will We be able to communicate to Spirits in the Spirit Worlds when We are in those Spirit Worlds?  Yes!  Even animals?  Yes!  I have felt the Spirit, and this is true.  I have also reflected on my treatment of animals and other species.  How have you treated people, animals, and other species while on this Telestial Earth?  We are taught about what resources are acceptable to use and how to use it while on this Telestial Earth.

Can our Spirits, while in our Tabernacles now, “see”, “talk”, or “listen” into the Terrestrial or Celestial or Telestial Spirit Worlds? No.  Except Prophets, Seers, and Revelators who have been granted those keys.  If we ask for the keys, We may be guided to know what to do and how to receive them.  It is important that We cannot interact with those Spirit Worlds while Our Spirits reside in our Tabernacles on this Telestial Earth.

God’s plan is Liberty and Freedom.  Everyone with a Tabernacle in this Telestial Earth chose Jesus Christ as Savior and Redeemer in the Terrestrial Pre-Mortal Existence.  Everyone found worthy in the Telestial Spirit World “Prison” was freed when Jesus Christ’s Spirit went to the Telestial Spirit World after His death on the cross.

Spirits who chose Lucifer in the Terrestrial World Pre-Mortal Existence may repent, choose Jesus Christ as Savior, receive a Tabernacle on this Telestial Earth, and prove themselves worthy to eventually be Resurrected Beings.

Spirits in the Celestial, Terrestrial, or Telestial Spirit Worlds are not resurrected until after their Judgement Day and “Judged By Their Own Mouth” before Jesus Christ and God.  It is my testimony that Our Judgement Day may also be with Our choice of Brothers and/or Sisters and/or animals, etc. present.  (Brothers and Sisters = All People)

 “Heaven” is described as the Sun or The Celestial Kingdom.  It is My testimony that each Kingdom has as many levels as “different grains of sand on the Earth”.  Celestial Resurrected Beings may come and go between all Spirit Worlds as necessary such as to minister.  Terrestrial (Lucifer is restricted) Resurrected Beings may not enter the Celestial Kingdom until invited based on their worthiness.  Telestial (Lucifer is not restricted) Resurrected Beings are restricted.
Where is my Sister’s murderer?  I assume he is in Spirit Prison level of the Telestial Spirit World.  Can a Spirit be released from Spirit Prison?  Yes, as they are proven worthy.

Who is Perdition?  Lucifer.  Lucifer reigns on all levels of the Telestial Earth and Spirit Worlds.  The Sons Of Perdition are Resurrected Beings who have denied God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Ghost after accepting them.

The darkest level of the Telestial Earth is Outer Darkness and is where the Resurrected Beings Of Perdition (aka Sons Of Perdition) reside.  It is My testimony that even Beings Of Perdition may leave Hell as they prove themselves worthy, and eventually are resurrected, too.


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